Find Zen in Driving
By: Tony Giannini
Grade A Driving Academy
Let’s admit it. People are in a hurry anymore. You see it every time you get behind the wheel especially. Have you ever experienced road rage? Or witnessed it? Why do we as a society get so short fused when we don’t agree on another drivers……well, method of operating his or her automobile? In this article I will discuss my philosophy on driving and how to get the “zen” out of it.
Last week on my way to work, the car in front of me blocked an exit from a shopping plaza. I’m sure you’ve been there. It’s not deliberate I’m sure, but nonetheless you still don’t look over at the other driver out of embarrassment. Then there it is, hand flying up, god knows what’s coming out of her mouth, inching out almost to say I’ll push my way in. Really, I know it sucks to get blocked in, but take a breath. It’s not worth your life units getting upset over things you have no control of. We all do it though. You know what used to really get me upset? It’s silly but I bet a lot of people feel that this way. Ok, so your the nice guy who let’s the person into the lane when everyone else keeping going by. So you stop, wave em on, they pull out then nothing. Come on, not even a courtesy wave. Used to really piss me off! Am I right? Or the car that rides your tail. The you slam on the breaks to basically tell them to get the &@$” off my a@&! Then of course they come flying by with that international symbol we all know so well. You know, the bird. Its probably someone who couldn’t fight their way out of a wet sack but thinks there a mixed martial arts fighter when they are behind the wheel. You all have stories or experiences with this type of nonsense. I mean, people are getting killed over road rage. What’s wrong with us?
I’ve been studying martial arts for almost 25 years now and maybe it’s why I take a different approach when it comes to operating a motor vehicle. I try to take a “zen” approach. Hasn’t always been that way. I mean, trust me, I’ve had my moments. I’m always trying to improve. Lately, I have been in the zen zone! For those of you that don’t know what “zen” is, let me enlighten you. When your hungry, eat. When your tired, sleep. When you have to go to the bathroom , well you know. Living in the moment in everything you do. When driving a vehicle, drive the vehicle. Get rid of the distractions, focus on everything around you and at the same time have a clear mind. Turn off the phone. Use coming sense. Don’t think that things won’t happen to you. They can, and will when you least expect it. Give yourself every opportunity you have to react, see, hear , feel , respond to Any situation that presents itself. Practice relaxing your body when behind the wheel instead of being tense and stressed due to different traffic conditions. Take your time. Enjoy the ride. Enjoy sitting in traffic. Find the good in everything around you. Your behind the wheel and it can help you to experience so many things and places in life. Live in that moment behind the wheel, no distractions, only what’s happening right now. Smile and know your safety comes first and know you’ll do anything to preserve that.
Now a days I get a lot of pleasure out of taking my time when driving, not rushing, being a courteous driver and appreciating the fact that the road can take me wherever I want to go. That should be respected. Respect the road respect yourself.
Tony Giannini
Grade A Driving Academy
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